In CFBISD, our focus is on serving the whole child. The Counseling Center is an excellent way the District is offering both individual and family counseling for members of our community. As the new school year opens remotely, the Counseling Center is open to assist our students and their families.
“In CFBISD we understand the direct link between social and emotional well-being and academic success,” said Dr. John E. Chapman III, Superintendent of Schools. “The Counseling Center equips our families with strategies to manage stress, anxiety and other challenging issues so our students can focus on academics.”
Pam Geisinger-Sandy, the CFBISD Counselor Specialist who runs the center, has been working with her team to host over 190 virtual counseling sessions since April. The Counseling Center will have more sessions available beginning in August and will continue until students return to in-person learning.
The center offers counseling in both English and Spanish to our parents and students. A CFBISD family who attended the Counseling Center said, “Thank you for offering this program to my family. It was very helpful. Thank you for caring for our families. My son loved to come to talk to his counselor. He loved counseling so much that he would remind me that we had counseling every Thursday!”
CFBISD families can contact our counseling department online at any time. Online community resources are also available for your child and your family.
If you are interested in information and/or would like to contact our counseling department, please visit our website.
CFBISD counselors look forward to working with you!