Spark STEM Academy
At Rainwater, students use a curriculum called Engineering in Elementary (EiE) in Kindergarten through fifth grade. So far, this year, students have used the Engineering Design Process to design systems for cleaning an oil spill, created windmill blades that will catch the wind, and created and tested mortar for making stronger walls. Currently, students are working on designing lighting systems for an Egyptian tomb, creating maglev transportation systems, and designing hand pollinators to help out the bees!
Students use 21st Century Skills such as communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity in all areas of study and throughout all grade levels.
Additionally, students use Lego systems to follow both guided and free-design building challenges. Third through fifth grades use the WeDo 2.0 app to code their builds, while K-2 are using LEGO Steam Park and LEGO Early Simple Machines to develop their building, collaboration, and problem solving skills.
In our library, students get lots of experience participating in Makerspace activities where they use different materials to be creative with their designs.
A makerspace station is integrated within the Rainwater library to encourage students to become innovative and creative thinkers. Students participate in building and design challenges throughout the year, including creating structures with tubes and spouts, and designing shapes out of magnetic pieces.
Finally, we have an after school coding club, Girls Who Code, that meets to learn about computer science basics and coding. They also build relationships and encourage interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) type careers for the future!
Learn More about Spark Academy Here